Wednesday, 27 February 2008


Hi people

The videos attached to this blog are of the puddycats that come and visit me on a daily basis. I can nolonger afford the ever increasing demand that the two new ones are putting on me, and while I have tried the aversion therapy they are so hungry that they are even ignoring that in the hope of being fed. Here are the URL's for the Videos and

I don't know if they are owned by anyone nearby. I am not one to get to know my neighbours and I am not about to begin now. However, I would like something to be done to make sure that they are either rehoused or their owners made to feed them better, or them being taken off them. Some like Hissing Sid I am not their primary home, Shitty Bum probably got kicked out due to his continual spraying, but his one eye needs looking at, and he's gone ferral. If someone took him on they would be best having a cat house in their garden, and never expect him to not spray. As for the big fluffy one he eats like a gannet and anyone taking him on would have to be able to afford the food bill. He is the only cat that I have ever come across that eats bread n butter, but then when your starving?

Do I identify with stray cats, oh yes in many ways, and all the cats I have had over the last 10 years have all just arrived at my door in need of food and shelter from the storm.

I noticed on Radio Five Live today weds 27th feb 2008 That Jonathan Morgan was interviewed over the Hospital Car parking issue, I did notice that nothing was said about his refusal to act on his constituents behalf. But then the BBC are still protecting his backside.

Its worth noting that very few of the usual suspects have looked at the video placed on youtube yesterday, the Judge Hickinbottom video and the Rodney Berman Video. Not like the stampede to view the Jonathan Morgan video, still patience Crazydave patience!

So will one of them have a care in their heart, and do the necessary for these Cats, because I don't like using phones, and I have tried to get hold of the Cats Protection League but that's been answer machines and leave your number. Bet the Judge don't care about them Crazydave as much as the Judge don't care for you.

I wonder if anyone make's the leap between the Bute Street flophouse video and the video showing all those To-Let signs in Cathays video and wonder, 'Why the heck aren't they being housed in those empty places where they can enjoy the pleasure of their own place???' To much money init for the professional elite running the flop house probably. Yeah and would those to let agencies go 'Oh sorry your not our kind of client at all???' for ease of reference here are the two URL's for those links the flop house and the loads of To-Lets

Maybe that's more to the point Crazydave.

All the Best people in this instance its how about giving Crazydave a house where he can look after stray or abandoned cats for a charity until homes that will care for them are found. He would like that. Wouldn't you Crazydave.

Yep. For a full list of blogs go to

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